Jul 22, 2009

don't get me wrong...

Disclaimer: the following post is an unprofessional and slightly immature expression of pent up frustration. at present i don't have the better judgement to refrain from sharing publicly. so should nothing else good come of this web log, at the very least i'll have adequately released some of the sleep-preventing tension i'm currently experiencing. (i've removed all 4-letter words that may or may not have been included in the original post)


Don't misinterpret the following post ... I really do like it here...


I understand we're a friendly, accepting, patient, understanding group of individuals.
(some more than others)
But SOMEONE please EXPLAIN why.
Why is it that so many Utah "professionals" are anything but.

Remember when I had the landlord from hell?

Here's a new one:
How about a landlord who doesn't have the house ready when you move in and then
- to really frost your cupcake -
charges utilities for the months you DIDN'T EVEN LIVE IN THE NOT-READY HOUSE!

Remember her?
She, who with unbridled rage, sent "the queen" tripping towards the staircase?
She, who in a fit of uncontrolled anger, sent a pot flying at her father's head?
She, who took 5 years of serious reform at college to reign in?

Well, she's hot under the collar and
fighting tooth and nail to make a phone call about this utility mix up.
(let's give the benefit of the doubt here and hope it's a mix up)

And just as I lacked better judgment in the publishing of this post.
I'm lacking the judgment to keep her from making the call.
At midnight.


J.R.G. said...

we are also dealing with landlord idiots in NYC. Maybe they are related.

Mr. Marbles said...

yeah... can I rant about Utah here a little bit? I mean- I love the place but whats with booing and moshing? Like there's something about Utah that people don't know when to NOT do those things. It's atrocious.

Christina and Ryan said...

Hey Noelle, we took the red eye from SLC to JFK together and I saw the link to your blog on Shea's blog and read your post. I just had to tell you my theory on Utah: People are incompetent because nobody complains since they are trying to be "good". In NY if you mess something up people will let you know (usually bluntly), but in Utah people are so nice that it becomes TOO nice. Think about it, how many people do you know in Utah who would just pay that bill because they don't want to be confrontational?
For the record, Utah has it's good points and the wide driving lanes beat NY's narrow ones any day.

noelle regina said...

christina - it's like we're meant to be friends.

seriously- when was that red eye, after your freshman year?

we just moved from manattan back to slc- where are you and husband these days?

Alison said...

also, you are just used to east coast where everybody takes themselves really seriously. and this means things get done more efficiently. unless of course you are at the grocery store, a restaurant, or anywhere where people are making minimum wage, in that case the "not nice + taking themselves seriously" translates into the checkout girl flirting with hoodlums for 20 minutes instead of ringing up your TWO items.

that's all.