Jul 30, 2009

Corn Dogs

Well, technically, corn with a dog.
There are few things as enjoyable as a front porch bbq.

And when we REALLY want to make it a party, we play ADD IT UP!
(where we determine the approx. cost of our meal at home vs. what we spent on meals in New York. home ALWAYS wins, unless we pit it against the Costco hot dog and drink)

Corn Dogs:
Corn - $0.25
Hot Dog - $0.83
Bun - $0.35
Diet Coke - $1.00

TOTAL: $2.43

Costco wins - but I prefer the scenic view from our porch.

Might I add- the Diet Coke is in glass bottles - nothing makes my summer like sodie through a straw.


jenna said...

i found you. and because you admit you stalk. i know admit i found you.
email me if you want in

jenna {from italian class long ago.}

jenna said...

um i NOW i admit. not know admit. okay jenna.

noelle regina said...

well jenna - truth be told, i've been catching up on the rammels via jylare :)

how could i forget italian?

jenna said...

those were the days.

why are you so fabulous? and why don't you come out of hiding and comment. i want people to know i associate with someone as fabulous as you. :)