Apr 28, 2011

wedding attire

while we were out today we saw royal wedding cupcakes, window displays, restaurants hosting parties. i just can't wait to mourn the loss of of prince william with 18-30 year olds around the world. 

here's what i'm wearing tomorrow:

ode to kate.
(excuse the blackberry picture AND the jet-lagged look.
we're still adjusting) 

our royal wedding activities include:

royal brunch at kate & tim's
royal walk through procession grounds (post wedding) 
stroll down portobello to buy some royal memorabilia from this uber-talented BYU grad who happens to have a stand at the market!

and while i'm at home working (and blogging), matt's out on the town. here are some i-phone shots of his wedding adventures:

everyone's out on the town. 

hype park screens. 
200k expected to watch the royal wedding 

world media royal wedding headquarters.
press pas PUH-LEASE?!?!


nASHTONville said...

Love the attire-so fitting for your Kate-like appearance. Love the photos-wish I were there. But thanks to you, I can envy from afar. Please keep posting photos! I can't believe it is tomorrow! Looking forward to hearing about your 'wedding day' adventures.

E.F.G. said...

i'm not all about this royal wedding but i have to say, it's awesome that you live in london while it's all going down. have a lovely day!