on four separate occasions we toyed with the idea of taking in the
game on the 60 yard jumbo-tron at the new Dallas Cowboys Stadium.
for "logical" reasons that make no sense to us now,
we stayed in salt lake.
and chest-bumped and cheered
while watching on a 52-inch in our living room.
had we known about the 2:00 am rendez-vous at the provo airport,
we probably would have been there.
Greg Wrubell summed it up.
dear sam bradford-
i know why you chose to stick with your team.
and it was a good choice.
but i bet the NFL is looking pretty good right now.
instead of a sprained AC, lost chance at a national title and unlikely heisman trophy,
you'd be making money to suit up.
and sit on the sidelines.
without an injury.
i'm sorry.
no. really.
game on the 60 yard jumbo-tron at the new Dallas Cowboys Stadium.
for "logical" reasons that make no sense to us now,
we stayed in salt lake.
and chest-bumped and cheered
while watching on a 52-inch in our living room.
had we known about the 2:00 am rendez-vous at the provo airport,
we probably would have been there.
Greg Wrubell summed it up.
dear sam bradford-
i know why you chose to stick with your team.
and it was a good choice.
but i bet the NFL is looking pretty good right now.
instead of a sprained AC, lost chance at a national title and unlikely heisman trophy,
you'd be making money to suit up.
and sit on the sidelines.
without an injury.
i'm sorry.
no. really.
Dear Noelle,
I'm an avid reader and fan of your blog. We too were planning on attending the game but being 9 months preggo we decided it wouldn't be the best move. I appreciate your true-blue "faness" (yes, I just made up a word). I too was excited for our Cougs although the Sooners are a part of my blood. I give total credit to the Cougs, but please don't take blows at our Sammy boy. I think it was pretty selfless of him to come back for another year and even smarter to take out an insurance policy on that arm of his.
Please keep blogging, because I love blalking.
Elizabeth "I'm a coug but love me some Sooners" Cramer
Go Cougs!
p.s. Thanks for the lights. They will be perfect. And I'm sure you have better things to do on a Wednesday night, but you are invited (Matt, too, of course. This is a Harman party {ie, there will be food}.)
You just killed me with that last post. Well done!
P.S. Are you from the Tri-Cities?
I grew up there!
Rah Rah, Rah Rah Rah. Rah Rah, Rah Rah Rah. GOOOOOOO COUGARS!
Noelle - just dying to know if you have stopped stalking you know who, which I know you haven't :) and if you noticed the nice little note in the upper right that is just too hilarious for words.
best way to start off the season. go cougars! i wish i could have been at the airport as well.
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