Jul 31, 2009

When You Give a Mouse of Cookie ...

At some point we switched affections and interests and I became the animal lover, while Erica developed a warm indifference to the furry friends.

As previously mentioned, the neighbor dog Laila and I spend some time together each morning. The canine chorus of Pup, Chica, Laila and whatever neighborhood dogs decide to join in beckon me from my bed. And when I turn the front door's handle, I'm greeted by a barrage of eager swinging tails and jumps for attention. Like water that flows without direction or control - the menagerie floods our house, finally settling in the kitchen.

Why the kitchen? Well, I'll tell you ...

When you give a mouse a cookie...
or if you give some dogs your turkey ....
They remember. And come back often to check for more...

Introducing the Menagerie.

1 comment:

andrea said...

LOVE the blog stalking post. much do lunch. ummm tuesday? i am in slc! around 12?