Noelle is...
- thrilled with her dining table
And you would be too if you found this gem on Craigslist for 80% off what the owner paid. 2 beautiful red armchairs, distressed french wood, and the perfect place to entertain guests... (which brings me to my next stati)
Noelle is...
- making dinner
Can you guess what? red peppers, a funny kind of basil, coconut milk and fish sauce? THAT'S RIGHT it's Lybbert Thai night (the be attended by the Bryans). We're dining on Panang Curry, Pad Grau Pau and Green Curry.
Noelle is...
- still unemployed (despite my best efforts).
I do have a lovely nannying gig in the Hamptons next weekend with the producer of such Broadway hits as Spamalot and Guys & Dolls.
Noelle is...
- one bright eyed and bushy tailed sexy little beauty.
Those aren't actually my words, but I'm not going to argue, I'll take what I can get- even if it comes from the perpetually loitering, endlessly intoxicating street dwellers of Harlem. This happens to be an amalgamation of the comments of 3 seperate individuals. I thanked them all.
Noelle is...
- not the best at making new friends.
And who would be when you have such fabulous old ones? People say that when you get married you forget how to flirt and meet members of the opposite sex, well it would seem that I've forgotten how to make friends. I'm not charming or funny or witty or entertaining anymore (maybe I never was), but at least I wasn't awkward, which at present I'm doing quite well.
Noelle is...
- decorating her adorable apartment. No explanation needed.
Noelle is...
- amazed by Harlem.
Babies drinking soda out of bottles. Children on the street at 1 am. Fried Chicken restaurants (and the subsequent chicken bones) on every corner. Total and utter disregard for crosswalks. Gorgeous brownstones. Expensive cars. It is an AMAZING place.
Facebook, I feel so much better having had proper character space to explain myself.
okay so not sure if i've outed myself yet as one of your faithful blog readers (sorry if it's creepy) but figured there's no time like the present.
just wanted to say that your apt is cute and i'm glad you're settling into nyc life...and that i too seem to have trouble making actual friends and sharing my true, charming, witty personality in post-married life (we just moved to a new part of the city). it sucks. and as a veteran newlywed (since our 2 year anniv is coming up i guess we no longer qualify) let me just sadly tell you that it doesn't really get better. but i'll be your friend! from 3000 miles away :)
You forgot one - noelle is sorely missed and extremely adored by her friends in utah - or at least one in particular - me.
Endlessly intoxicating or endlessly intoxicated. I think either works. Bad at making friends? Are you saying that what we have together doesnt mean anything to you? Also, you're a newlynewlywed. So people dont realize you want other friends. Give it time. Ta ta.
i want to discuss craig's list for a minute. i bought a fabulous bedroom set last summer for only $500. it is now in my guest room. i also found an antique desk, originally made in londontown, with keyholes to the drawers and everything. it is my favorite piece of furniture next to my antique bookshelf from planted earth in orem. i LOVE craig's list. congrats on your purchase.
my email is can't wait to hear from you! oh. i'm coming to new york next week with my mom and sisters. maybe you could meet up with us and do some shopping. and sadly, i don't think i'll be attending the capone/long festivities. unfortunately we have to drive back to utah during that time. OK. maybe i'll take a trip to new york myself and hang out with you for a few days. that would be lovely.
and go see the movie. i hear it blows the broadway show out of the water.
its okay. you'll find a job and you'll learn to make him wish you weren't so cold (hands in the shirt did it for me! haha)... but most importantly, its going to be okay and you'll make friends. seriously. now you're dating other couples, and that is tricky. what if you love them both, but the husbands don't like each other, etc? its very complicated, that's why when married people have friends they're like family.
I love that. Very clever. I am glad I found your blog.
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