Just so you know Noelle, it is even better when you walk into a room to pick up your baby (who is so hard to leave in the first place) and they walk right up to you and snuggle into your shoulder. You'll love it! (someday)
i have a cat at home in georgia. her name is cali and i love her dearly. i've begged jake to let me ship her out to utah to live with me, but he won't let me. i swear she's actually human. i bet luci-cat is human too. sure love you noelle, let's be better friends.
Jake is right (see comments on previous post) Luci(fer) is a boy, you need to love him for who he is
also re: your previous post, it is easy to be lonely in NYC - when I was there I found that it helped to get out into the city and try to feel like a part of that vast organism - go to new neighborhoods, try people watching, its not as personal as knowing your neighbors, its more a general sense that you're sharing a similar experience with over 8 miilion other people - one of the things I love most about NYC is the sense of privacy in the midst of millions that you can get there
Yes...I love that video! I think of Oscar (my doggie) and it makes me cry...oh I love animals! Anyway, your wedding was wonderful. I put a post about it on my blog! (cliffandgina.blogspot.com) oh, and I added you on my list. Love ya!
My friend/former roommate Kali just sent me your blog. I'm super excited because we're moving to NYC in 2 days!! And from what I've raed it sounds like you live in Harlem?? That's where we're moving! My husband is attending med school there. I have no idea what I'll be doing. Will we be in the same ward?? Our apt. is on 110th. Gotta run, we're leaving in 2 days and I have a ton to do. My e-mail is emilycake84@yahoo.com!
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teeth whitening London Imagine your a potential customer looking for teeth whitening in their local town lets call it Bury. Even though Bury is in the major city of London your customers will be searching directly like.
Just so you know Noelle, it is even better when you walk into a room to pick up your baby (who is so hard to leave in the first place) and they walk right up to you and snuggle into your shoulder. You'll love it! (someday)
i'll hug you like that the next time i get to see your face
I was totally pulling for the lion to maul his former owners. And given the music and the set-up, I was certain it would happen.
oh boy! have you ever seen grizzly man? he thought he was very close to those bears too.
i have a cat at home in georgia. her name is cali and i love her dearly. i've begged jake to let me ship her out to utah to live with me, but he won't let me. i swear she's actually human. i bet luci-cat is human too. sure love you noelle, let's be better friends.
p.s. i know i've left extensive comments on the last three posts, but i just can't help it because i swear i'm reading about my own life.
Jake is right (see comments on previous post) Luci(fer) is a boy, you need to love him for who he is
also re: your previous post, it is easy to be lonely in NYC - when I was there I found that it helped to get out into the city and try to feel like a part of that vast organism - go to new neighborhoods, try people watching, its not as personal as knowing your neighbors, its more a general sense that you're sharing a similar experience with over 8 miilion other people - one of the things I love most about NYC is the sense of privacy in the midst of millions that you can get there
Yes...I love that video! I think of Oscar (my doggie) and it makes me cry...oh I love animals! Anyway, your wedding was wonderful. I put a post about it on my blog! (cliffandgina.blogspot.com) oh, and I added you on my list. Love ya!
My friend/former roommate Kali just sent me your blog. I'm super excited because we're moving to NYC in 2 days!! And from what I've raed it sounds like you live in Harlem?? That's where we're moving! My husband is attending med school there. I have no idea what I'll be doing. Will we be in the same ward?? Our apt. is on 110th. Gotta run, we're leaving in 2 days and I have a ton to do. My e-mail is emilycake84@yahoo.com!
I really enjoyed coming home to Luci cat. Well except all those times she would give me "bad touches". She's a frisky little thing.
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