Dear Vanilla Mint Chapstick,
Dear New Pair of Socks,
Dear Unused Box of Crayons,
Dear Sweats Out of the Wash,
Dear Good Joke,
Dear Kimmy Harman,
Dear Pilates Class,
Dear Good Smelling Body Lotion,
Dear Fresh Cut Grass,
Dear Cheeseburgers,
Dear Blue Blanky,
Dear Count of Monte Cristo,
Dear Gold Jewelry,
Dear Pillow Top Mattress,
Dear Cargo Ugg Boots,
Dear Luci Cat,
Dear Office Wife,
Dear Clean Laundry,
Dear Kid Nation,
Dear Back Tickles,
Dear Rome,
Dear Homemade Cheesecake,
Dear Full Gas Tank,
Dear Today Show,
Dear Email from a Friend,
Dear Water after a Workout,
Dear Day of Good Turns and Great Snow,
Dear Box of Clementines,
Dear Costco Churro- and everything else there too,
Dear People Who say they Care and Really Do,
Dear Hugs,
Dear Long Hot Shower,
Dear Freshly Waxed Eyebrows,
Dear Sharp Cheddar Cheese,
Dear Anthropologie,
Dear Burning Candles,
Dear Real Letter in the Mail,
Dear Lucky,Self and US Weekly Magazine, (In Style too)
Dear Tan,
Dear Pilot Pens,
Dear Brand New Notebook,
Dear Craigslist,
Dear New York City,
Dear Boyfriend Matt,
Dear Claussen Dill Pickles,
Dear 5 Mile Run,
Dear "Strega Nonna," "The Giving Tree," "I like You," and other children's books,
Dear New House,
Dear Good Memories,
Dear Stationary to send Thank-You Notes on,
Dear Travel,
Dear Cuddle Blanket,
Dear Blue Plate Greek Salad,
Dear Leather Bound Daily Planner,
Dear High Credit Score,
Dear Good Night's Sleep,
Dear Carpool Gossip,
Dear Sincere Card Sent from a Friend,
Dear Personality Tests,
Dear Neuhaus and Godiva Chocolatiers,
Dear Butterflies in My Stomach,
Dear Reinstein Ross,
Dear Corner of Houston and Morton,
Dear Lots of Other Things I Don't Have Time to List,
I love you. That's all.
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