And so do Val and Noelle.
Thanks to Mr. Lybbert we were FRONT and CENTER. (well slightly to the left, but 8th row!)
For those of you hoping that David Archuletta might make a guest appearance, since we were afterall, in his hometown ... think again. No surprise Idols.
Idol Updates:
- Allison has lost some serious weight, looks good and healthy but 10 more lbs. and she'll be borderline rex. (anoREXic) Her and Adam are serious besties, still getting their hair done by the same woman. She's taken a page from his book and gone with a rock and roll genre - and boy does she rock.
- Megan still can't dance - or sing for that matter- and does an awkward hula like arm swing. She's now PLATINUM blonde, and about 15 lbs. underweight. Was most excited to be back in Utah.
- Danny Gokey, formerly the soft loveable one, now has rippling triceps and a waist. Although before the concert I defended him when he was accused of exploiting his wife's death (cough cough VAL) after he used that tragedy to introduce his last song, I lost a little respect for the contestant Matt and I adoringly referred to as "Dead Husband."
- Scott McIntyre, whom I felt had no place on the show due to his blatant lack of talent, made me eat my words with a STUNNING performance.
-Lil Rounds, is still, just that- little and round.
-Adam Lambert has kicked it up a notch, amazing, but not as impressive as some of the other performers. He did sing Mad World, which put the E-Center over the top.
- Kris Allen wins the award for most improved. Also, he's just so little....
- Anoop is still sporting J.Crew - as handsome as ever.
1. Scott McIntyre and Matt's Billy Joel duet on dueling pianos.
2. Lil Rounds channeling Beyonce and singing it for "All the Single Ladies."
3. Allison's entire performance
4. Mad World by Adam Lambert
5. Kris Allen's Heartless
And for your sampling pleasure:
Great video, could you post some full performances?
I have tons of footage - if you want to leave an email address, i'll just send em to you.
Nice work Mr. Lybbert!!
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