Jun 2, 2009

On my 26th to LAST day in New York City ...

On Monday, my 26th to last day in New York City:

- i visited FairWay on Broadway and treated myself to lbs of cherries
- and shared those cherries with the birds in the park
- i stopped and smelled some gorgeous roses in central park
- i played with Teddy, the 6 month old golden retriever who laid down on my face 5 minutes into my park nap
- i walked from 72nd and Broadway to 91st and Madison watching children play on playgrounds, squirrels fight over lunch leftovers and taking in the scenery
- i sat and enjoyed the sailboats

New York is a magical place in June!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, my heart is aching! I miss NYC!! Glad you are taking it all in before you leave. :)