It's charming.
Not in an authentic fried chicken, has some REAL potential kind of way (Harlem). More of a historic architecture, adorable shops, stones throw from Hyde Park kind of way.
On a stroll through our new neighborhood [Notting Hill], I snapped a couple photos. And while I may not be the most talented photographer, I think the place is charming. We won't be able to move in until Tuesday - at which point you'll see pics of the new place.
1. The name of our street.
2. Our building
3. A beautiful brick mansion just down the street
4. The shops you'll walk by on the way from the subway
5. Hyde Park view from the northwest corner
London's been swell so far. Matt's in pre-sessional mathematical review, aka math camp and it is T-O-U-G-H. He's been pushing through and clocking 12-hour days. I'm taking care of administrative duties, like arranging the purchase of this couch, and enjoying some city outings.
Today's Stats:
Miles Walked: 5.23 (including the hypotenuse of Hyde Park)
Tube Lines Taken: 5 (Jubilee, District, Circle, Picadilly, Central)
Italian Conversation Overheard: 3
Pounds Potentially Spent: 294 (on vintage snake bracelets)
Pounds Actually Spent: 4
I want to come visit. This brings all sorts of memories back from my time in London. I'm glad you guys found a place in such a charming little hood. Dont' forget your roots though. Can I get a what what for Harlem?
Ughhhhh, this is making me insanely jealous. Have tea at the Kensington Gardens Orangery for me (I recommend the peppermint tea and chocolate cake) while I sob uncontrollably, thanks.
This is like exactly where I lived on my semester abroad! Are you down the way from a Marks and Spencer and H&M? or do I have it all mixed up?!
what what for Harlem.
we did love it there.
laura, just come visit.
ali ... i don't know the area that well. but i'm hoping for an M&S nearby, or a Sainsburys.
why don't you bring ginger and come see for yourself?
and when you have a chance...visit Geales, one of my favorite fish and chips restaurants in London. It is located in your neighborhood of Notting Hill, near the tube stop and behind the Gate Cinema.
we miss you but glad you are there! have fun.
sounds a lot a lot like my day. business in the morning, then i walked from 29th to 59th. ALMOST bought a lot of great fall items. ONLY bought a black and white cookie.
wish we were in the same city instead.
so charming. and that couch is just perfect for a london abode! can't wait to visit.
I am so glad you have found a flat, are getting settled in, and are keeping your blog updated. I am extremely envious of you and hope you'll continue to blog about your London life.
I love the pictures! The Sofa is awesome. Miss you tons.
10 points for hypotenuse! Miss you!! Carry on! xox
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