Since my inaugural trip to Borough Market in the fall of 2004 (thank you Anthony, Ostler, Marisa & Robyn) - it's been one of my favorite places in London.
Leisurely strolling.
People watching.
Food tasting.
From olive oils to homemade jams, artisan breads and gourmet sausage - this market is NY's Chelsea to the 10th degree. This morning we dined on Carribean Chicken Curry and Chorizo on a roll.
That Chorizo is TO. DIE. FOR. Spicy sausage, sweet red peppers, crisp arugula and a dash of olive oil piled high on a fresh roll. Words can not express ... (I'll take you when you come visit).

It's been a tough few days for me. A combination of nomadic living, gray weather, dilly dallying letting agents, unresponsive US banks, and the lack of social interaction had me searching Kayak for a one-way ticket to Salt Lake. But then we calm ourselves down. (not the royal we - Matt and me) We examine our motives for moving here. And we realize we've felt this way before ... in Rome, in Porto, in Torino. Hell, we felt this way in Provo as fearful freshman so many years ago. Those experiences are some of our favorites so far, and we know that London will be too.
Thanks to Big Al and Luisa (my mom and the bank clerk in NY) we sorted out the bank issue. Travelers be warned - if you plan on doing an international wire transfer, fill out the appropriate paperwork at "your local branch" (a phrase i heard 30+ times on my 5 hours on the phone) before you relocate.
In the meantime, I've been working and reading books on London's history. Here's a tidbit for you...
Ever heard the phrase "robbing Peter to pay Paul" ?
Matt thought it was a chapter in the bible he'd over looked - a dinner table squabble that Jesus settled by giving Peter's bread to Paul? I don't know what bible he's reading, ... it actually stems from a church fight for money under King Edward VI.
Churches would petition the monarchs for money to commission works of art, statues, build monasteries or keep gardens. Westminster Abbey had always been favored by the royal families - it's where their formal coronation ceremonies and weddings are held. But on this particular year Westminster Abbey was pressing the king for quite a bit of money, and he wanted to let them know he was still wearing the pants - or the crown as the case may be. He took all of the money that had been allotted for Westminster Abbey and gave it to St. Paul's church - the cathedral in London. Westminster Abbey's real and formal name is The Collegiate Church or St. Peter - hence, taking the money meant for St. Peter's and giving it to St. Paul's - "robbing Peter to pay Paul."
Come visit and I'll tell you more....
Oh, and we've just got word on our flat. Monday is the long-awaited move in date. Looks like this little Veruca got her way.
OMG BOROUGH MARKET BLUEBERRY SHORTBREAD. To die for. So glad you will no longer be homeless ragamuffins (shout out to Robyn)!
Noelle, I'm starting to hate you and it's very difficult because I like you very much. I'm just SO JEALOUS of your London adventure!
No, really, I'm glad you're having such a great time. :-)
Noelle, I love reading the London edition of your blog! I am excited for you to finally move into your flat.
hooray for keys on Monday - miss you dear! xo
Love the Borough Market... looks amazing and sure beats the SLC Farmer's Market!
there's nothing wrong with being a ragamuffin. and borough market is the soul reason i miss london so. so glad you're taking advantage of it. (and maybe a bit jealous.)
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