thanks to e-bay, it's "all paid for and mine."
Christian LaCroix Vintage Polka Dot Blouse

now i need the advice of fashion mavens (like her or her), or anyone who has an opinion really ...
if i were going for a bold pattern on pattern look (which i am), which skirt would that blouse look best tucked into?


for the record, i think A - blues are a better match - but i'm entirely blinded by my love for B - it is GORGEOUS.
yes. i should be packing. i just can't do it anymore...
You should check out "My Grandma's Closet" on Etsy if you haven't already. I'm getting excited for you, for your move!
Ha ha - you are too nice.
Congrats! What a gorgeous top. So many options. Would be so cute with high-waisted trousers for the fall too.
I'm drawn to the first one, but I think it would work with the second one too.
LOL. First one for sure. I like the second one but probably not with that top.
P.S. I am in no way qualified to give fashion advice :)
so jealous!
i want that should be a personal shopper. seriously and decorator and party planner and everything.
wear it with both skirts!
Wear it with the 1st skirt, but buy the 2nd one anyways.
I agree with Shea...where did we see that original picture anyway?
I think the patterns of the top skirt and the blouse work well but I don't think the shapes will work well. The top and skirt are both so flow-y that you will lack shape. I suggest something more structured on the bottom to give the outfit shape.
But, then again, I am probably wrong. You dress far better and more daring with prints and styles than I do.
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